Archive | July, 2010

Kabul – Day 2

13 Jul

I have spent two action-packed, exciting, theater-filled days with my new family of 15!  We have 2 women and 13 men representing 3 different theater groups in 3 different cities and provinces.  There are 4 men from Kandahar which is in the south of Afghanistan.  It is close to the border of Pakistan and the “tribal regions”. It is one of the more conservative parts of the country.  Then there are 4 men from Jalalabad,which is in the East.  It is also very close to the Pakistani border and has a strong Pashto cultural influence and history.  Finally, there are 3 men and 2 women from Mazar-e-Sharif which is in the very north of Afghanistan. It is close to the border of Uzbekistan.

Who knew all my trepidation and hesitance would melt away so quickly and completely after only 2 days?  Their disposition is so friendly and gentle and open.  I feel like a little girl, having made new friends wanting to tell everyone all about them!  They have really embraced me and made me feel at home.  Today one of my friends, Shamz, said that I’m not American.  He said I look like an Afghan, I dress like an Afghan and I eat like and Afghan!  Shamz and I connected some more when we found out we were born in the same year.  He then said he knew that we were the same age because he has gray hair in his beard and I have gray hair on my head! We all got a great big laugh out of that!

The group members are full of energy,  and spirit! They are playing and experimenting with wide, open hearts.  Sometimes they laugh at me because I am so excited when I talk to them that I bounce on my toes! They are such a smart, passionate group and I am honored to know them.

I am learning so much about their goals and hopes.  During our first session, yesterday, one of the participants from Mazar said that they need more encounters like this, to share experiences and meet other theater artists.  All of the artists say they struggle with lack of resources, to lack of safety, and lack of respect and recognition from their communities.

Tomorrow, they will all make images of a problem in their community and we will analyze the images and discuss them.

I am having trouble uploading video because the service isn’t great, but I am trying.  I have some short street scenes and some video of the house I am living in!

Peace and Love ~ Kayhan

Off to the Airport

10 Jul

Hi Beautiful People –

I am off to Kabul in 2 hours!! YIKES and YAY!!

Right now I’m in an internet cafe in a fabulous Middle Eastern area of London.  I am staring at all the women trying to figure out how they manage to make their head scarves look so elegant and stylish.  I’ve practiced wrapping myself but only manage to look like a granny!  Why didn’t I think of this back in NY where all my beautiful sisters could have given me pointers?!

Well, I am sure the women in Kabul will be more than happy to give me fashion tips.

Anyway – the journey begins!

I’ll be using the blog as my main channel of communication so please remember to sign up on the right hand side!


Video Update from Wales

5 Jul

I am now in Wales, about to start my “hostile environments” training course before I head off to Kabul on the 10th.  I’ve spent the last 3 days in London getting to know the BBC Afghan team, seeing friends, and combatting a cold.  I’ve posted a video update above.

It’s been quite a mental rollercoaster.  One day I am feeling upbeat, looking forward to my trip, the next day I am thinking of all the awful violent images I see on the news, imagining myself in the center of such things.  I was seriously questioning myself, my decision, and my impulse to continually and adamantly unveil hope and goodness from those settings and places our society has placed at the bottom of the heap.  My fear was strong, my strength wavered.

However, it is with renewed hope and trust that I am writing this email.  My father sent me with a book of Rumi’s poems and I opened on one called “The Embryo”.  The poem reminds me that there is a deep underground current which nourishes human longing for righteousness, connection, and peace.  We can’t perceive it with our senses, I won’t get confirmation of it on CNN or FOX news; it is conveyed through actions of the heart.  I am reminded that this force is ever present – behind the media images, and deep within me.

Until later, with love ~ Kayhan


When the time comes for the embryo
to receive the spirit of life,
at that time the sun begins to help.
The embryo is brought into movement,
for the sun quickens it with spirit.

From the other stars this embryo
received only an impression,
until the sun shone upon it.
How did it become connected
with the shining sun in the womb?

By ways hidden from our senses:
the way whereby gold is nourished,
the way a common stone becomes a
and the ruby red,
the way fruit is ripened,
and the way courage comes
to one distraught
with fear.

– Rumi